Club Policies
General Policies
We allow & encourage photography and videography in our clubs, but we ask that you do not film other members or staff in our clubs (even in the background) without their consent. We do not allow photography or recording of any type in our changerooms, bathrooms, or pool area.
We require a shirt and close-toed footwear to be worn at all times.
We require all equipment and weights to be neatly put away after use (and removed from machines), and for all equipment to be throughly wiped down with the sanitizer provided.
We require all members and guests to be 13 or older to use the faciltities. Anyone 17 years old or younger requires a completed waiver from a parent or legal guardian prior to club use.
Lockers are for day use only - all locks remaining will be removed each night at club close.
We do not tolerate abuse, aggression, vulgar language, or violence towards our staff or other members.
We require the use of indoor shoes in our facility - Wet shoes and boots must be removed at the front lobby and switched with clean, dry indoor shoes.
We do not permit the use of chalk in our facility (our custodians thank you!).
We ask that members are mindful of the amount time they are spending on each machine between sets, and to share the use of our equipment with others whenever possible.
We do not allow glass or fragile drinking containers, and all liquids must be in a container with a lid at all times.
We do not allow sharing of access tags - each non-member must pay for a day pass to use the facilities. Sharing tags or assisting non-members in accessing the clubs will result in an immediate ban.
We do not allow external personal trainers, coaches, professionals, or instructors to provide services in our clubs without permission from management.
We do not allow anyone to advertise or operate their business or events in our space without management permission.
We do not allow gym bags or backpacks on the workout floor or in the studios, please leave personal belongings in a locker or cubby.
All members must scan their barcode each time they enter the building, and must maintain a photo on their account for verification. All guests must bring goverment-issued photo ID each visit.
We are not responsible for lost or stolen items - we recommend that you use a secure lock if you choose to use a locker.
We do not allow shaving, the use of lotions or oils, the use of hair dye, cutting hair, or trimming nails in the showers, bathrooms, sinks, or saunas.
Those using the saunas must wear a towel or bathing suit at all times.
Pouring water over or tampering with any element of the saunas or steam rooms (the rocks or thermostats) will result in damage to the electrical units and an immediate membership ban.
We only allow water in the saunas - no other food or drinks.
We ask that you arrive on time for any class or pool booking, and cancel any reservations that you are unable to attend as early as possible. Repeated class no-shows may result in class reservation ability to be revoked.
Yoga Etiquette & Policies
We do not allow late entry into yoga classes - please plan to arrive at least 10 minutes early.
We ask that you keep conversations outside of the yoga studio to a minimum, and that the atmosphere in the studio is as close to silence as reasonably possible.
We ask that you bring your own mat to class whenever possible as we only have a few spares.
We require that you remove your shoes prior to entering the yoga studio.
All phones and electronic devices must be on airplane mode or turned off while in the yoga studio.
We do not allow bags, coats, or other personal items inside the studio space - please only bring in your mat and water bottle and leave everything else in the cubbies provided.
We ask that you do not leave yoga classes early. If you must leave early, please leave before Savasana.
Pool Rules
We require all swimmers to shower with soap and water before entering the water.
We require proper bathing attire, such as spandex or lycra. Workout clothes or undergarments are not allowed in the pol or hot tub.
We do not allow food or drinks, other than plastic water bottes, in the pool room.
We do not allow photos or video in the pool room.
We do not allow pool toys to be brought into the pool.
We require swimmers to reserve their timeslot in the pool area as we allow up to 10 people in the pool room at one time. We allow walk-ins when possible, but those with reservations have priority.
We ask that you share lanes whenever possible with other swimmers, and respect their space by not crossing into other lanes. During designated swimming lessons, we ask that you clear then reserved lanes when asked by the swim supervisor or instructors.
One parent or deignated guardian must remain on deck at all times during swimming lessons.
Please follow all on-deck signage regarding pool guidelines and rules.
Please note that failure to abide by our policies or your membership agreement may result in immediate termination with no refund.